About Me
What makes me qualified

“GO & PARTNERS” is the unity of law office that was established with a purpose to contibute the legal service to the society both corporation and individual.

With firm commitment and great responsibility in handling varies of legal cases, make GO & PARTNERS get public trust.

The success of GO & PARTNERS law offices unity is being established through Professional Value in handling any case, covering:
- Giving hypothesis about legal problem and premilinary explanation about solving the case inprompt ad precision.
- Observing the evidence comprehensiveness to give the victory percentage.
- Handling each case till completed.
- Transparancy and Honesty Value to clients, covering:
- Reporting each case development writtenly tothe client through mail/ email/ electronic massmedia dealed before.
- Giving explanation about fee needed in handling the case and giving original receipt/ payment
evidence to clients.



If you have any legal problem in you life…

My License
Go Chin Tjwan, S.H., M.Kn., CPCLE., CLA., M.BA. (c)
- Capital Market Law Consultant License from Himpunan Konsultan Hukum Pasar Modal (HKHPM) And Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK).
- Tax Brevet A,B,C for Person, Corporation, and Multi National Corporation (MNC) Tax Payer
- Certified Legal Auditor (CLA) by Indonesian Professional Certification Authority and Indonesian Legal Auditor Association
- Certified Procurement Contract Legal Expert (CPCLE) by IFPBA (International Federation of Procurement Bar Association
- Member of APPI (Indonesia Procurement Lawyers Association)
My History
Go Chin Tjwan, S.H., M.Kn., CPCLE., CLA., M.BA. (c)
- Bachelor Degree in Law University of Pelita Harapan, major in business law (Magna Cumlaude Predicate).
- Master of Notary University of Airlangga, focus on agrarian (land) & contracts law (satisfied predicate).
- Master of Law and Negotiation for Global Trade, National Taipei University of Business (NTUB), Taiwan. (M.BA. candidate)
- Verified Certificate online short course “Introduction to Environments Law and Policy in University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
- Verified certificate online short course “Introduction to International Criminal Law” in Case Western Reserve University.
- Verified Certificate online short course “International Human Rights Law: Prospects and Challenges” in Duke University
- Verified Certificate online short course “English Common Law short course: Structure and Principles” in University of London.
- Statement of Accomplishment online short course “Human Trafficking” in The Ohio State University
2013 – 2016
Analyst Junior Internship Advocate at law Firm of Hans Edward Hehakaya & Company.
2018 – 2021
Senior Partner at Jurist Acquisition Consortium
2018 – 2019
Senior Partner at De Pokrol Java Law Firm
2016 – Sekarang
Managing Partners at Go & Partners
Our Team
Meet our Team & partners

Arielshallom Christopher Limanto, S.H., M.H.
Curator & Trustee in Bankruptcy

Dr. Paula Listyana, S.H., M.Kn., M.H.
Notary & Conveyancer

Wahyu Adi Santoso., S.E., Ak., CA., BKP
Accountant, Finance Auditor, Taxation

Andrew Christianto Wibowo, S.E.
ISO Consultant

Dr. Jusup Jacobus Setyabudhi., S.H., M.S.
Criminal Law Expert and Lecturer in University Of Pelita Harapan Surabaya

Dr. Michael Hans., S.H., S.E., M.Kn., LL.M.
Intellectual Property Right Consultant
Asisten Pengacara
Lawyer's Assistants

Johanes Cahyono, S.H.

Jonathan, S.H.

Yosafat Andre Wijaya, S.H.
Creative Team

Steve Siebert, S.Kom., M.M.
IT Consultant

Stefanus Kurniawan, S.Ds.
Creative Director